Monday, March 21, 2011

Agenda: Week of March 21, 2011

Quote of the Week:  "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit."Aristotle

1. Welcome back from Spring Break.  "Good News."
2. Goal of the Week
3. Video of Aidan After Dentist
4. Catchup on Current Events - Japan and Libya and the Rally to save Texas schools
5. Students will present their college projects.  We'll go alpha through the list of students.  


Tutoring & Presentation of College Projects

Presentation of college projects


Kruger said...

What did you have your students do for their college project?

Duez said...

They did either videos or power point presentations about the college they are leaning towards attending.

More than anything I wanted to create a conversation about each school. Many of my seniors had already worked on a similar project, so they just tweaked it some for our class.

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