Monday, December 6, 2010

Agenda for the week of December 6th, 2010

Quote of the Day:  "The purpose of life is to discover your gift.  The meaning of life is to give your gift away."  - David Viscott

Monday - 
Students will read a series of editorial articles about "College Choice."  Does it Matter Where You Go To College?
Students will see a motivational video - How to Rip a Phone Book in Half and How to do the This, That Card Trick.  The lesson is that even "magic" is practiced and can be taught.  Some students make it look easy, but the secret is that they work very hard to make it seem so easy.

We will also write our Weekly Goal

Tuesday - 

Wed/Thu - 
Seniors will plan their party for Alisa for tomorrow.
Juniors will work on the next SAT ePrep Lesson

Friday - 
The Seniors will party to celebrate Alisa Galvan's acceptance into the University of North Texas!
Juniors will go to the computer lab to input their ePrep SAT answers

Monday, November 22, 2010

Agenda: Week of Monday/Tuesday November 22/23, 2010

Quote of the Week:  "I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land." - Jon Stewart

We'll check out the pictures we took from last Friday.  They were outstanding!

We'll also watch a TED Talk from J.J. Abrams called, "The Magic Box."
J.J. Abrams traces his love for the unseen mystery –- a passion that’s evident in his films and TV shows, including Cloverfield, Lost and Alias -- back to its magical beginnings.

As the Emmy-winning creator of the smart, addictive TV dramas Lost, Alias and Felicity, J.J. Abrams' name looms large on the small screen. As the writer/director behind the blockbuster explode-a-thon Mission: Impossible IIICloverfield and the new Star Trek movie, these days Abrams also rules the big screen -- bringing his eye for telling detail and emotional connection to larger-than-life stories.

Abrams' enthusiasm -- for the construction of Kleenex boxes, for the quiet moments between shark attacks in Jaws, for today's filmmaking technologies, and above all for the potent mystery of an unopened package -- is incredibly infectious.
"As a boy, JJ Abrams was fascinated with magic. As a television writer, director, and producer, he has beguiled audiences with a masterful use of suspense, plot reversals, and special effects."
Tutoring or - if there isn't much to do with tutoring, since we are heading towards a break -
We'll check out this 7 minute video:

We will have a socratic discussion about the video and the state of education/technology.

After watching it two things popped into my mind:
1) Moderation is very important.
2) Kids are losing the (already inhibited ability) to moderate.
What would our campus look like if cell phones were not banned?  I would think it would be a mess.  But, I don't know.
I know one thing for sure, kids know how to use technology to entertain themselves and communicate with friends.  But, do they know how to use it for their advantage to learn and do their school work (and later college work) in a more efficient way? 
Part of our job is going to be explaining how to balance life so that they get a boost from technology and not just have it sap their attention and ability.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Where does the money go?

We are going to use this in class on Thursday and Friday and discuss the need for a college education.  :)
Students will write down 3 "observations" as they look over the chart.
Then we will discuss the difference between a college education and high school.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Don't do it...

Agenda: Week of November 11/15/2010 - Friday 11/19/2010

Quote of the Day:  "Never, Ever, Ever give up!"  (a good thought when being a Texans fan!)

Monday - 
Discuss and debate the article in the Tribune last week that discussed technology education and online classes.  Philosophical Chairs if possible.
Juniors will spend 20 minutes working on ePrep SAT critical reading test.

Tuesday - 

Wednesday/Thursday -
Juniors to computer lab to input answers into ePrep.
Seniors discuss scholarships & college apps.

Friday -
Discuss service hours and opportunities.
The weather should be perfect for pictures outside.  Mr. Duez would like to create Christmas cards this year.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Agenda: Monday, Nov. 7, 2010

Quote of the Day:  "People ask me why I've stayed here so long," Paterno told the crowd of 104,147, none of whom went home. "Look around!  Look around!  I love you all...  Now that the celebrating is over, let's go beat Ohio State!"  
-- Joe Paterno, Coach of the Penn State Nittany Lions, as Penn State held an on-field ceremony that included a video tribute and a crystal football given to the coach to commemorate win No. 400. 

Agenda This Week:

Monday - Socratic discussion about the articles they read on Friday in class (juniors).  Discuss our trip to SFA & also check college applications & scholarships (seniors).  Go outside to take class picture, if weather permits and it is a nice day.

Tuesday - Tutoring

Wed/Thu - Tutoring & TBD

Friday -  TBD

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dell Scholars Aps

The Dell Scholars application process opens today.  AVID Center is proud to continue its relationship with the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation (MSDF) this year to select another group of Dell Scholars.  Since 2004, nearly 1,000 students have been selected as Scholars, including 176 selected last year.

Many of you have been through this process before and are familiar with the procedures and timelines.  However, for those unfamiliar or who need a refresher, following are important notes regarding the process for 2010-2011. 
  1. You should receive an email from the MSDF and Oscar Sweeten-Lopez, for the Dell Scholars next week.  Please note there is not a poster mailing this year.
  2. You can contact the customer support group for any questions about Dell Scholars.  The email is and the phone number is 1-800-294-2039.  The web address for the program is
  3. If your students happen to receive a message that they did not pass the eligibility quiz due to their high school not being associated with AVID, please have them submit a request through the built-in response option located below the eligibility message.  The student will be asked to provide the name of his/her AVID counselor and contact information.  Dell Scholar customer support will contact the counselor to confirm AVID is at that high school. Once confirmation from the counselor is received, the school can be added to the database quickly, and students can continue with application process immediately.
  4. We can also field questions on behalf of AVID Center.  Our emails are and
  5. The MSDF team expects to select 300 Dell Scholars this year.  Based on past practice, it is fair to assume that more than half of those selected will be AVID students, with some from other college-readiness programs.
  6. The scholarships are $20,000 awards, which can be spread over six years, including graduate studies.  The program website lists the guidelines, but, in a nutshell, successful applicants must have at least a 2.4 GPA, have overcome obstacles, demonstrate an interest in attending a four-year college, and are Pell Grant eligible.
  7. The application period runs from November 1, 2010 to January 15, 2011.  Students who are chosen as semi-finalists via their applications and essays will then have their AVID teachers submit recommendations.  MSDF anticipates notifying the awardees by April 10.
  8. As district and regional directors, you can help the process by making sure that all of your AVID sites with seniors encourage the best possible candidates to apply.  Preliminary studies by MSDF indicate that AVID Dell Scholars are persisting in college at a very high rate, well above 90%.
  9. If you would like to review the list of previous Dell Scholars, please use the website.  AVID Center also maintains a database limited strictly to AVID students who have been selected, which we can provide.
Congratulations on all your past successes on behalf of our students, and good luck this year!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Agenda: Week of Nov 1, 2010

NOTICE:  There is a financial aid workshop for Seniors on Nov. 29th at 6:30 in the Gold LGI.  

Quote of the Week:  “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.” – Hellen Keller

1.  Goal of the Week
2.  Binder Check
3.  Halloween Motivational Monday
4.  College Videos


Tutoring & a look at SFA/Sam Houston comparison

Senior Field trip to SFA

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Agenda: Monday, Oct. 25, 2010

The leader always sets the trail for others to follow.
Quote of the Day:  "A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." - John Maxwell

Monday 10/25 BLACK OUT breast cancer and wear black
Tuesday 10/26 Be a perfect pumpkin and wear orange
Wednesday 10/27 Sock it to breast cancer and wear CRAZY SOCKS
Thursday 10/28 IS PINK DAY & Our final PINK-OUT-PEP RALLY 
8:45 - 9:15 Everyone wear pink!
Friday 10/29 is Spirit Day - please wear red, white & blue!

1.  Goal of the Week.
2.  We will watch the video from the Junior trip to UTSA and discuss the school.
3.  Motivational Monday:

We'll discuss the video and also Breast Cancer awareness week.
We also will work on the NYTimes editorial articles in 7th period.
We will discuss them in 4th period.


Wednesday and Thursday:
Tutoring & TBD


Monday, October 18, 2010

Agenda: Week of Monday, Oct. 18th, 2010 - Friday, Oct. 22nd, 2010

Quote of the Week:  "The primary purpose of a liberal education is to make one's mind a pleasant place in which to spend one's leisure."  ~Sydney J. Harris

Monday - 
Guest Speaker from Texas Tech

Tuesday - 

Wed, Thu, & Fri - Mr. Duez will be out.  A sub will be here.

Wed/Thu - 
Tutoring for 1st  half
Quote Sheet for 2nd half of the period.

Friday - 
Students will work on the New York Times Education Editorials that we looked at last week.  Each one will be worth a grade (that is completed correctly).  This is great bonus boost to  your grade.  The substitute will pass them out.  If there is extra time, you will watch the Summer Institute student speeches.

Friday 7th period - we'll be on our field trip to UTSA.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Agenda: Week of Oct. 11th through Oct. 15th

Quote of the Day:  "A leader is best When people barely know he exists, When his work is done, his aim fulfilled, They will say: We did it ourselves." Lao-Tzu

Monday - Columbus Day - no school.

Tuesday -

Wed/Thu -
Picture Day if weather permitting.  We'll go outside and take some pictures.
Seniors - We will also be working on creating a timeline of due dates.  We will discuss applications to colleges and scholarship opportunities.
Juniors - We are going to create a College Wall outside of Mr. Duez's class using college pamphlets and handouts that were given out at college night.

Friday -
Computer Lab - Blue 2
Seniors will be working on Texas Common Application and Scholarships.
Juniors will be researching college and also looking at ePrep.  Mr. Duez will be printing out some test items for the students to work on and then they can put their answers into the system.  There are videos that they can watch to understand questions if they did not do them properly.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Homecoming 2010: Mismatch 7th period.

David Duez
- sent from my Droid. Excuse the brevity.

Homecoming 2010: Miss match day 4th period

David Duez
- sent from my Droid. Excuse the brevity.

Agenda: Week of October 4 - 8, 2010

Quote of the Day: "A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him." - David Brinkley

Monday - 
1. Goal of the Week.
2. We are going to listen to an inspirational story from NPR: Then we'll discuss it.  Could you have done that?
3.  12 minute video: The Seed School from 60 Minutes.
4.  We will discuss the video and do philosophical chairs on the question:  "Are boarding schools the answer to solve the problems of inner city schools?"

Tuesday - 

Wednesday & Thursday - 
Tutoring for the first 1/2
Grade check and binder check after tutoring (Today is report card day for the 1st six weeks)

Friday - 
Mr. Duez is trying to get the computer lab for Seniors to work on the Texas Common App.  And for the Juniors to work on ePrep.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Agenda: Week of Sept. 20 - 24, 2010

Quote of the Week: "Leadership can be thought of as a capacity to define oneself to others that clarifies and expands a vision of the future." - Edwin H. Friedman

Monday - Mr. Duez was out with illness.  The substitute helped the students work on their goal of the week and they composed a letter to a current teacher.

Tuesday - Tutoring

Wed/Thu - Tutoring & then students looked at the Texas Common Application online and we also discussed scholarships.

Friday - Students will get two handouts - the 3 Level House to help with tutoring questions and the Texas Common Ap recommendation letter that is sent to teachers.  This way they can see it and understand how the process works.

We will also see two inspirational videos from the Honda Film series.  They are both 10 minutes in length.
1. Success v. Failure
2. Dreams v. Nightmares

Friday, September 17, 2010

Free PSAT, SAT, and ACT Help for Humble ISD Students

Great for PSAT, ACT, or SAT help.
It's free.
I have a saying, "If it's FREE, it's for me.  If it's FREE, I'll take 3!"

Free Online Codes

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Agenda: Week of 9/13/2010 to 9/17/2010

Quote of the Day:  "Texans 34 - Colts 24"

Monday - 
1.  ePrep student information & AVID Student Information form (for those students too confused, lazy, or unfocused to have already completed the online form).
2.  Socratic Seminar on "Study Habits" NYTimes article.
3.  Mr. Duez will walk around and do a quick binder check for all.

Tuesday - 

Wed/Thu - 
TUTORING first 1/2 of the period

Friday -
We will work on the college handouts that the students had while there was a sub last week.  We will work on identifying a list of 5 colleges to apply to and understanding the deadline.
We will also do a "Survival" team building exercise.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

College Night - Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

Humble ISD College Night is Wednesday, October 6 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Humble Civic Center. There will be over 150 colleges and universities in attendance for this event.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Princeton Review - Free Assessment of SAT/ACT Oct. 2, 2010 @ AHS

The Princeton Review Assessment

The Princeton Review Assessment (PRA) is a test created by The Princeton Review to expose you to both the SAT and ACT. It's  a measurement tool that can help you determine if you would score higher on the SAT or ACT.

Why was the PRA created?

The majority of colleges and universities accept either the SAT or the ACT.  But the two tests are quite different. Your testing strengths may be better suited for the style and format of one test over the other. But, tradition and geography have created “SAT Country” and “ACT Country” where the other test is just not taken (and in some cases not even known about).
To shed some light on each test, we created the PRA to give you the chance to “meet” both the SAT and ACT in less than four hours. The PRA has seven 25-minute sections and one 30-minute SAT essay section.

Why should I take it?

Most people don't take the SAT or ACT for fun. They take these tests to get a score that will get them into the best college. If you knew that you could score higher on one test over the other, wouldn’t you want to show colleges that score? Of course, the PRA will help you find the right test for you.
When is the PRA?

October 2, 2010
Atascocita High School
9:00am – 1:00pm
Cafeteria – enter from bus drop off area.  (Back of cafeteria)
Cost: FREE

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Our 2010 Fall AVID T-Shirts

Ms. Wagner did a great job with these.  If you want one, they are $10.  We need the money by Sept. 24th.  Pay Mr. Duez.

What do you think of them?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Agenda: Week of 9/7/2010 to 9/10/2010

Quote of the Week:  "Whether you think you can, or think you can't.  You are right."  - Henry Ford

Monday - Labor Day - no school
Tuesday - Tutoring
Wed/Thu - Tutoring for first 50 min.  Then students will be working on organizing their binders.  We will grade them on Friday.
Fri - Students will read an article on learning and also see a video clip about a charter school.

NY Times Article:
Research Upends Traditional Thinking About School
This article will help students realize some new study methods based on research.

Video Clip from 60 Minutes:
60 Minutes correspondent Byron Pitts reports on the SEED school, the first urban, public boarding school.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Agenda: Week of August 30, 2010-Sept. 3, 2010

Quote of the Week:  "Even if  you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." - Roy Rogers

Avid students in both Junior and Senior classes will work on college choice guides from AVID's College & Career curriculum.
They will also work on the college essay in class.  They will receive the AVID college essay rubric.
Our college essays will be due on Friday, Sept. 17th (Test grade).

Our new tutors arrive.
Tutors and students will introduce themselves to each other.  We will tutor for 1/2 the period.

Tutoring for the 1st half of the period.  We will not grade tutoring this week.  Tutors and students are still getting back into the swing of things.
Second half of the period will be focused on reviewing their answers to the College & Career curriculum and writing a letter to AVID underclassmen.

Guest speaker in Blue LGI (4th will be in Mr. Duez's classroom).  Former FBI agent will discuss her life.

Friday, August 27, 2010

AVID College Essay Rubric

AVID Rubric College Essay                                                            

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Agenda: Friday, August 27, 2010


Friday's Agenda:

1.  Discuss Cornell Notes.  We'll watch this video (embedded here from Youtube).

2.  Binder setup.  AVID seniors will create their system and put it to paper.  We'll watch this inspirational video:

3.  Get into tutoring groups and check over each of their binders or organizational plans.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Agenda: Wednesday & Thursday August 25 and 26, 2010

During Block days this week we will do two things:

Teambuilding Towers
Organizing study groups for advanced classes

The teambuilding towers are going to be made from magazines, styrofome cups, straws, spaghetti noodles, tape, paper clips and a piece of poster board.  Each group will have about 15 minutes to construct their towers.  The ones that are the tallest and MOST stable will win.  Fabulous prizes to the winning team!

Study groups will be very important this week.  We'll spend some time in them today and also on Friday so that we can find friends that are in the same advanced classes and get some help and advice.  We'll start tutoring next Tuesday.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Agenda: Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2010

Today we will discuss binders, cornell notes, tutoring and AVID strategies for the first 10 minutes.  We'll partner someone knew to AVID with an experienced person as a mentor.

Then we are going to do 1 minute speeches.  A student will stand before the class with two anchor people behind them for support.  When they are finished talking the anchor person will move up and someone from the class will move back to anchor.  The student has 1 minute.  We will keep time. 

The student can discuss:
1) Name
2) What honors/AP/Dual credit classes they are taking.
3) What college choice they are interested in applying to.
4) What they are looking forward to this school year.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome Back to AVID

Quote of the Day:  "Begin with the end in mind."

1.  Attendance and Welcome back.  Expectations for junior or senior year.
2.  Summer story.  Best thing that happened this summer?
3.  VIDEO:  AVID Advice from Aidan.  My son Aidan starts kindergarten today.  We sat down for an interview over the weekend and he had advice for high school students.  You know, because he is the expert! 
4.  Binders!  Seniors have senior privilege and we will discuss how they can create their own organization system.  (But they will be graded on whatever they come up with and we are going to stick to it.  These are due on Friday.)
4.  Seniors and Juniors will be writing personal letters to freshmen AVID Students.  These letters will give advice on how to be successful in AVID and in high school.  We'll deliver this to 6th and 7th period AVID classes at the end of this week or beginning of next.

2 Truths and a Lie.  :)
Each student will explain two things about them that are hard to believe, but true.  And they will also mix in a lie about themselves.  Then we will try to figure out which is the lie.  A great way to get to know each other.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Service Hour Opportunity

This came from our awesome Superintendent of Schools - Guy Sconzo.  He is asking for volunteers for the event on Thursday, August 26th through Saturday, August 28th.  If you can commit some time and would like to volunteer for any of the times, please email me and I will get your name to Dr. Sconzo.

Our Lake Houston Area Chamber of Commerce can really use student volunteers for this event and any help they can get on Thursday, August 26th through Saturday, August 28th will be GREATLY appreciated! This Wellness Run will take place at Kings Harbor in Kingwood.
Keep in mind how important these service hours are for things like National Honor Society, college applications and scholarships.
Enhanced by Zemanta

Thursday, July 29, 2010

AVID Article in Local Paper

Today an article was published in the local paper about AVID and the upcoming AVID job fair.  

Mr. Duez and Ms. Tibbetts (seen in the picture to the right) were quoted a few times in the story.  I think the author Mike Morris did a GREAT job.  He captured AVID perfectly.  Thanks to him for helping us get the word out about the program and finding tutors to help our kids.

Here is a link and part of the story:  Ultimate Lake Houston - Humble ISD AVID Program Focuses on Potential

The Humble Independent School District will hold a job fair on Aug. 12 for tutors interesting in assisting its AVID program, an effort aimed at helping students reach their full academic potential.
The program, Advancement Via Individual Determination, targets students who are capable of challenging themselves in school but may not be doing so. These kids are then enrolled in honors courses and supported with small-group tutoring and a study-skills curriculum. The ultimate goal is success at a four-year university.
AVID, starting its fourth year in Humble ISD, is now offered as an elective class in every middle and high school. Central to the effort are the college and some advanced high school students who visit AVID classes twice each week to tutor small groups of pupils as they transition to tougher coursework.
The job fair will be held 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the board room at the Administration Building, 20200 Eastway Village Drive. All tutors receive 16 hours of training in AVID techniques, and are paid for their time.
Returning tutor Raisa Byers, 21, a student at Houston Baptist University, said the work involves some social guidance as well as academic counseling.
“It’s so much more than you helping them with their homework,” she said. “To have someone besides their family to encourage them and be a positive influence in their life, it really does make a difference to see how much kids need that, how important it is to them.”
Byers and her 80 or so fellow tutors across the district work with four to seven kids in each AVID class. Their students must come to each session with at least two questions about their coursework.
“I’ve helped a student on their homework or review for a test and then they come back the next week with an A on their paper and say, ‘You helped me with this,’” Byers said. “To know that you’re helping a child succeed academically and personally and socially — it’s so rewarding.”
The tutoring is about collaboration, not giving hints, said Susan Tibbetts, who coordinates the AVID program throughout Humble ISD.
“It’s teaching them to think ahead about the questions that they have in their courses and then helping them figure out . . . how to find the answers on their own,” Tibbetts said. “The other members of the group will say, ‘Have you checked your notes? What about this?’ They question them to death and they eventually figure out the answer.”
This approach appears to be working. Sixty percent of AVID graduates enroll in four-year colleges, according to the Humble ISD figures. Another third initially enroll in community colleges; many later transition to four-year schools, Tibbetts said. Almost 90 percent of AVID graduates who enroll in college graduate.
“A lot of them, I would say almost without exception, didn’t realize they had the potential,” Tibbetts said. “They just didn’t realize that they needed to be in the advanced class.”
This success doesn’t happen magically, however. Supporting the students is a lot of work, said David Duez, an Atascocita High School history and AVID teacher.
Not only do AVID teachers work closely with the students for four years, counseling them through hard times personally and academically, Duez said, but AVID teachers also must monitor all of their 60 or more AVID students’ grades.
“Teachers come to me and they say, ‘What’s going on with Billy?’ or, ‘What’s going on with José?’ They want to know that from me before they even call home,” Duez said.
Despite the taxing transition to a more emotionally demanding role, Duez said the aim of the program and the success it fosters keep him motivated. He would have been an AVID kid growing up, he said.
“The biggest thing that has kept me going with AVID is the mission behind it and what it is that we’re trying to build, for not just each individual student but for our school and our community,” Duez said. “What AVID does is remind everyone we really should be asking more from these kids.”
It was very cool to be interviewed about AVID and I was honored to represent the program.  A couple of years ago I was interviewed by the local Kingwood cable channel about the program and tutoring as well.  You can see that interview here:

Last year I was interviewed by another local paper because of our AVID program's involvement in Road Trip Nation.  You can see that article here: 

Related articles by Zemanta

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

AVID with Mr. Duez Facebook Group

I created a Facebook group for any AVID students who have had Mr. Duez in class.  It is my hope that we can share some pictures, video and memories here.  It is a closed group, so nothing that is posted here can be seen by anyone who is not a group member.  I can add new members and they can request to be added by going to the link below.

I can envision this being a wonderful place for graduated AVID students to keep in contact with what is happening in my AVID class.  It will be a wonderful place to remember the good times we had in AVID.

ANY person who spent even a day in my AVID class is invited.

Click the link here to ask to be added to the group:  AVID with Mr. Duez Facebook Group

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

AVID in the News - Seattle Times

Although this article is not exactly like our program, it is similar.  We don't normally have students in AVID who have failed classes, or TAKS for that matter.  But, many of the concepts are the same.  

I also don't think AVID students are "average" in any way.  These are kids that are willing to take on more work to be able to succeed and move up into honors, Pre-AP, AP and Dual Credit classes.  Average kids would not make it.  But, our AVID kids do.  

I also take exception to "supercharged study hall" because AVID tutoring is certainly much more than that.  It is a very specific method with highly trained tutors.  It resembles no study hall I have ever seen.

Good article though and it's wonderful to see some positive things in the news about education.  Part of the article here, with links to the full article and the video is embedded:

Average students shine with help from AVID program
AVID — Advancement Via Individual Determination — is part supercharged study hall, part motivational seminar and part time-management training. It motivates kids in the academic middle to aim for college.
By Linda Shaw
Seattle Times education reporter

It's hard to imagine that Bruna Afonso was once apathetic about her studies, unsure if she'd finish high school, much less go on to college.
She now earns good grades, takes tough courses and almost always speaks up in class, as she did recently during a spirited debate over the United States' role in Bosnia.
A few years ago, she disliked school and didn't try to do well.
Now? "I'm busting my butt," she said.
She credits her transformation to a program with a mouthful of a name: Advancement Via Individual Determination, or AVID.

Full article here:

Sunday, June 13, 2010

SAT & ACT Dates

Important dates

Test NameScheduled
Test Date
ACT Saturday,
Sep 11, 2010
Aug 6, 2010
Aug 20, 2010
SAT and Subject Tests Saturday,
Oct 9, 2010
Sep 10, 2010
Sep 24, 2010
ACT Saturday,
Oct 23, 2010
Sep 17, 2010
Oct 1, 2010
To get more information on the SAT or SAT Subject Tests, access useful tools, or register, visit the College Board's Web site ( or call (866) 756-7346.
To get more information on the ACT, access useful tools, or register, visit the ACT Web site( or call (319) 337-1270.