Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Agenda: Wed & Thu 10/07 and 10/08, 2009

Quote of the Day: "I'm not young enough to know everything." - Sir James Matthew Barrie

TUTORING ~ bring a high level question, your binder, and some hard work to tutoring.

Sophs (wednesdsay) - After tutoring we will log into for the first time and check out the site. I will also give you a text about Lord of the Flies that we'll read for Friday. We are preparing for our Socratic Seminar on Friday - using Edmodo (twitter like application).

Juniors (thursday) - After tutoring we will work on the laptops to research our college of our choice to create our Animoto videos. This is the last day we'll have to do research on the computers in class. We may have another day or two in the computer lab.

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