Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wed/Thu October 21/22, 2009

Quote of the Day: "A true friend is one soul in two bodies." - Aristotle

Sophomores on Wednesday
1.  Tutoring
2.  Road Trip Nation:  Lesson 2 ~ "Lesson 2 : Don't Fall Asleep at the Wheel"
We will watch the lesson on DVD and then write our answers to these two questions and discuss:
  1. Imagine your life if you could follow your dreams.  What would it look like?  What would you be doing? How would you be contributing to the world?  In the space below, describe what your life would be like if you could do anything.
  2. How have you actively engaged in your life today?  When have you felt most alive and in line with your true self?  Describe a time when it felt like you were living the dream. 
Remember Baron Wolman, the Rolling Stone Photographer?  He is a perfect example of "Don't Fall Asleep at the Wheel."  He has taken advantage of those moments in his life when he's had his chances.  Whether it was "being where the action was" in college with politics and being class president.  Or "being where the action was" by joining a special forces group to become a military spy.  Or "being where the action was" by taking photographs of the Berlin Wall.  Or taking advantage of his opportunities by becoming a Rolling Stone photographer.  Check out his story here (especially if you were absent and missed class):  Baron Wolman Interview from 2008 Road Trip Nation

Juniors on Thursday

1.  Tutoring.  
2.  "Watch "I have a dream" speech by Martin Luther King.  Follow along with the words of the speech.  Annotate & mark the text.  Write questions in the margin that you are needing answered.  Discuss after wards parts that you may not have understood or want to emphasize.
3.  Using the ACR Curriculum (AVID College Readiness Curriculum) we will do the first assignment that was given last period - the "Friendly Letter" assignment.  Instead of writing it out of class we will write it on Friday in class.  
Prompt: Your chosen leader (MLK) had major concerns about problems, issues, or events that occurred during the period in which he or she lived. After studying one of these and the leader’s life, prepare a friendly letter, written as if it were from the leader to a specific audience, in which he or she discusses the problem related to an issue or event and some of the possible causes and suggests a solution. Both the problem and the solution must be consistent with the leader’s views, actions, and goals—and the historical period.

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